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Newhavensoft forum »Newhavensoft.net forums » Odds Wizard » How much history is required
1. stebbo - 06 August, 2008 - 21:45:28
Hi All,

if I wanted to setup a new league, how many games past history would be required to get an accurate assessment? One past season, two?


2. Alex - 07 August, 2008 - 00:06:05
At least all games during depreciation period (DP). By default, DP is 900 days for soccer national leagues. This value can be set in Options panel.

Older games can be truncated using 'Games -> Purge outdated games'. You must input threshold date here which is prompted by default as Today - DP. So this option gives you complete calculation upon required history if you just look at prompt, not necessarily delete games.

Delete or not to delete old games - that is the question. It is completely up to your decision. You may want to keep old games just for reference purposes.

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