Нет доступа к файлу data/boardinfo.php или нарушена его структура, либо не верно задан путь к файлам форума! Проверьте права. Printer friendly version :: quarter-integral not displayed? - Newhavensoft forum
Newhavensoft forum »Newhavensoft.net forums » Odds Wizard » quarter-integral not displayed?
1. good2cu - 31 July, 2006 - 02:13:41
I downloaded the trial version and found in the odds table the quarter-intgral AHO can not be properly displayed? It is either blank or a "?". Any idea why please? Is it because of the trial version?

2. Alex - 31 July, 2006 - 03:18:08
No, the reason is different. Quarter and half integral values are displayed using special characters '1/4', '1/2', '3/4'. The following steps may fix the problem:

1. Open menu at your computer desktop: "Start -> Control Panel"
2. Choose "Regional and Language Options"
3. Choose tab "Advanced"
4. Select language for non-Unicode programs "English (UK)"
5. Check all boxes in front of "ANSI Latin" and "ISO Latin"
6. Click "Apply".

3. good2cu - 31 July, 2006 - 03:36:28
Its working, alex. great help thanks!

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