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Newhavensoft forum »Newhavensoft.net forums » Odds Wizard » help me
1. hacmuli - 21 November, 2006 - 01:45:30
I'm from Viet Nam, I want to know by how can convert from AHO to 1X2
because there is only 1 way convert from 1X2 to AHO.
I also ask 1 more question that why my computer cannot show figure as 1/2; 0r 1/4 in the AHO in the convertor box? It is only show like that 0:1ă as I make the convertion.

Many thank

Hacmuli TRO

2. Alex - 21 November, 2006 - 03:04:31
The following steps may fix the problem with displaying '1/2', 1/4', 3/4'.

1. Open menu at your computer desktop: "Start -> Control Panel"
2. Choose "Regional and Language Options"
3. Choose tab "Advanced"
4. Select language for non-Unicode programs "English (UK)"
5. Check all boxes in front of "ANSI Latin" and "ISO Latin"
6. Click "Apply".

Possible conversions are: 1X2 <-> (AHO, Total)

You can convert 1X2 to AHO and Total using menu 'Tools -> Odds Converter -> 1X2'. Reverse conversion is possible if you specify total as well. However Odds Converter does not support reverse conversion at the moment.

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