Hello everybody!
New build has been released. Added support of "Internet > Express update of current league" for properly compiled custom leagues.
Custom league must follow creation procedure below.
Use Tools > Data retriever.
First, make sure that past results and future fixtures are present in Data retriever.
1. Save league data to a league file using button at the right bottom corner.
2. Open that file in Odds Wizard.
3. Add files for past seasons using Games -> Update from file.
3.1. Determine participating teams. Take all the teams and games
during the last 3 seasons + current season in e.g. League 2. This is easily
done by checking "Add teams", "Add games", and "Add fixtures" when using
Games > Update from file.
3.2. Update the league from at least 3 last seasons in League 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
using just "Add games". Take as many last seasons as you want for
historical performance analysis and charts, but remember that only
those games affect ratings and odds that are not older than depreciation
period (Options > Depreciation period). DP has default value 900 days
for most leagues (~ 2.5 seasons).
4. Make necessary settings in the Options panel.
5. Click green arrow button on a toolbar to recalculate ratings and odds.
6. Use Fixtures -> Show new fixtures to display fixtures and odds.
Keep in mind that Data retriever is just a tool to retrieve and save
league data from the web source. All further work is done by Odds Wizard.
If the number of teams exceeds 16, then it is recommended to use some
existing file in Odds Wizard e.g. England as a template, and
1. File -> Save as e.g. YourLeagueFile.
2. Games > Clear table, Teams > Clear table 3. Games -> Update from file
(use several files saved from Data retriever).
4. Make necessary settings in the Options panel.
5. Click green arrow button on a toolbar to recalculate ratings and odds.
6. Use Fixtures -> Show new fixtures to display fixtures.
7. Set the name of the league in Options in the format: Country - Name of the League
8. League file must have country prefix, without any spaces, e.g. Country1.lea.
9. Save the league.
10. Finally update the league using "Internet > Express update of current league".
Note that such update may have no immediate effect for the newly created league as it already contains up-to-date data.