Some examples please

Experience and tips of users

Some examples please

Postby graphic1970 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:56 am

Hello Alex

According to your tips on how to use better the odds wizard
could you give a screenshot on a game which could be played
according to these suggestions? Just one game.

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Re: Some examples please

Postby Alex » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:16 pm

I will never suggest you a single game to bet on. This is exclusively up to you as a bettor. My task is to show how to use Odds Wizard with the maximum efficiency. Basics are discussed in the topic
You must be also aware that even though you do absulutely right from the viewpoint of betting theory (Odds Wizard Guide > Stake Wizard Guide > Mathematical background) and the above approach, there is always a risk to lose all of your bets. This can be seen on the risk distribution diagram in Odds Wizard > Tools > Stake Wizard > Reports > Diagrams > Risk distribution. Probability of such event is equal to the product of probabilities for every event to have been lost. You can also win all bets with some probability. In a reality, your result is usually between these extreme cases.
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