Soccer Match Handicap

Experience and tips of users

Soccer Match Handicap

Postby KTB » Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:29 am

I prefer to export all odds to Excel to work out Line >> Fair bets.

Instead of scanning for Line >> Fair using Odds-Wizard, I prefer to input all available AHO offered by bookmakers to compute Expected Values of each AHO line for a particular match. Positive EVs essentially mean Line >> Fair, of course. The advantage of this is I could pick the AHO line that yields the highest EV, thus maximizing “profit”. In fact on some occasions this may even provide arbitraging opportunities when there are positive EVs for both Home and Away for different AHO lines!

While I can derive the AHO EVs of 0, +/-0.25, */-0 .5 using your basic 1 X 2 data, I can’t easily do it with AHO above that. To derive EVs for example of 0.75 I would need your data for Home v Away(+1) in normal bookmakers' “match handicap” notation.

My question is, can I derive the “match handicap” fair odds from the current available data? If not, would you able to add these fields?

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Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:41 pm

Re: Soccer Match Handicap

Postby Alex » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:51 am

Sorry for the delayed response in the forum. Private message you have already received earlier.

1. There are two methods of doing so:

1) Switch to the AHO odds view using menu Odds -> Asian handicaps.
This view displays 5 AHO bases and corresponding odds about the
average computed AHO value which is visible in the main odds view.

2) In the main odds view: input desired AHO base value in the editable
gray column "AHO", and then press <Enter>. Correspondent odds will
be displayed immediately in the next two columns "1" and "2". There are
simple rules of the odds manual input: type

-0.75 for the "0 : 3/4";
-0.5 for the "0 : 1/2";
0.75 for the "3/4 : 0";
1 for "1 : 0";
-1 for "0 : 1;
-1.25 for "0 : 1 1/4"
and so on. Don't forget to press <Enter> to confirm the input.

The same pertains to the U/O ("Total") and correct score ("Score")
editable columns of the main odds view.
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