Green coefficient and Z'Hello. In your archive of coefficave

Stake Wizard issues

Green coefficient and Z'Hello. In your archive of coefficave

Postby obtim » Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:16 am

Hello. In your archive of coefficients on the page in the files is used the gradation of green when filling the cells. I can determine the gradation code of the green in the cell. How can I figure out which Z'ave corresponds to the gradation code in the cell?
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Re: Green coefficient and Z'Hello. In your archive of coeffi

Postby Alex » Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:47 pm

The same gradation you can check and see in Stake Wizard bet optimizer (SW) as follows. For the green cell in XLS file, take two values: fair odds in the columns E..V, and market (line) odds in the columns DH..DY. Fill in these values in the SW columns Fair and Line, respectively (other columns may be left blank). Click green arrow button to start calculations. Now the column Z ave% becomes green with the same gradation as you see in Excel, and it contains calculated value of Zave in %. Gradation extent is proportional to the value Ln(Zave) from the theorem which is available on the homepage:

Ln(Zave) = p*ln(p/q) + (1-p)*ln[(1-p)/(1-q)], where p = 1/F, q = 1/L; F - fair odds (computed by OW); L - line (market) odds.

There is no summation over events for the single event. Gradation extent is always calculated for the single event.

Zave % (in SW) = 100*(exp(Ln(Zave))-1)

I hope I answered your question.
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