How long into season to start betting ?

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How long into season to start betting ?

Postby trueblue2 » Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:47 pm

Hi Alex,
You state that it is not recommended to bet on first games in the season ? Does this only include the first week of games, or the second / third / fourth ?

When is the best time to start betting on Soccer, NFL and NBA ? When does the software best optimise the odds ? Obviously the end of season games arent ideal to bet on due to lack of motivation / dead rubbers etc.

Is there any way of knowing at what time of the season the odds are more likely to be correct ?

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Re: How long into season to start betting ?

Postby Alex » Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:49 pm

For the fixed odds (1-X-2), there is a good indicator - deep green cells. They are not recommended to bet on. Usually after first 1-2 rounds deep green cells disappear. Remember to check other odds manually (AHOs, OUs, etc) for the criterion Line >> Fair that would be also deep green if there were underlying bwin odds.
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