stake wizard

Stake Wizard issues

stake wizard

Postby mrzan » Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:21 am

:shock: i don't understand if I shall choose the first combination of bets or the second or the third that stake wizard advices me to bet...Also When the stake wizard gives you a combination of bets what do the x1 x2 x3 etc. mean.
Another question I would like to ask is that in each column for examplefor a combination of variants {AB} it says
x0 x1 X2 x3
159 A B C
34,5 22,4 17,4

dOES this mean that I should bet the 34,5$ on the A event and 22,4$ on B event or a combination OF THOSE 2 OR 3 events because of x2 ?
I shall let you know that before I ask you I saw the help of the stake wizard but either it didn't explain or I could not understand[/b]
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Postby Alex » Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:42 am

Your question is explained in the Odds Wizard Guide (user's manual).
Look at the following chapters:

Stake Wizard Guide -> Running computations
Stake Wizard Guide -> Results of computation
Stake Wizard Guide -> Betting reports

x0 - static fund, i.e. amount to be set aside;
x1, x2, x3 etc. - amounts to stake on single (A, B, C, etc.) or accumulator
(AB, AC, ABC, etc.) bets.

Your example shows just single bets A(34,5), B(22,4), and C(17,4)
for the variant {ABC}. This is probably because you have turned off
accumulator bets by setting Accum = 1. Otherwise for {ABC}, you
would see something like A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC. Usually betting
stakes for the accumulators are smaller than those for single bets.

If you wish more detailed answer, please send me your stake file (*.STK)
which is located in the directory C:\Program Files\Oddswiz .
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