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Newhavensoft forum -> Search
Key words: "and" "or" Search in: 
Query language
Key words are separated by spaces or comma. Query is not case sensitive. "AND" search mode means that the found text must contain all the keywords. "OR" search mode means that the found text can contain any of the specified keyword. In any mode, adding "+" before a keyword means that this keyword must be present in the found files. If you want to remove some word from the search, add "-" before it. E.g. "+franklin -benjamin". By default, the script searches for all the words that start with entered string. E.g. entering "tea" will also search for "teapot", "teal" and so on. Using exclamation sign will narrow the search to the words entered ("tea!").
Search engine: Powered by RiSearch PHP, © 2002

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