Power Rating

Questions concerning setup and general performance

Power Rating

Postby majestece » Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:42 am

Hello Alex,

I would like to ask about power ratings of OW. For example in the NBA the power ratings are listed between Orlando (0,079) to Minnesota (-0,070). What is the home advantage and if only i want to use the power ratings for predicting the margin, how this ratings could be in use? The ratings are computed for how many years for NBA for example.
There could be some big changes on ratings between the previous season and this season?
I couldnt clarify exactly what i want to mean i think but the thing is ; I want to produce my own power rating and with the help of OW. How could it be?

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Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:20 am

Re: Power Rating

Postby Alex » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:34 am

For NBA, power ratings are calculated on the basis of the last 750 days. This is depreciation period which can be adjusted in the Options panel for each league individually.

Home advantage is displayed at the bottom status bar. This value is also adjustable in the Options panel along with all power ratings. To be able to adjust home advantage and power ratings, check the box Manual input of ratings/intotals in the Options panel. Then two columns (Ratings and Intotals) of the teams table become editable.

Absolute values of the power ratings depend on the chosen algorithm in the same Options panel. For NBA, as well as for the vast majority of supported leagues, algorithm of 2007 is preferable.

With the help of OW, you can't produce your own power ratings. You can just adjust computed ratings manually according to your specific knowledge of human factors mentioned in your posts, and thus correct the computed odds.
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