Calculation of historical odds

Any ideas to improve the software

Calculation of historical odds

Postby AimHigher » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:56 am

I thought the suggestion by forum member "odds software" in the post I have included was an excellent one so I decided to make a separate suggestion for it.

A fantastic addition to the software would be to be able to calculate and export calculated historical odds, i.e. using the match data that was available at the time to calculate the odds for each round. The historical odds calculation should use the same inputs (e.g. depreciation period) that is currently used for calculating historical performance. If this historical odds was available, it would make it possible to backtest vs one's own historical odds (provided by bookmakers) and formulate strategies to get the most out of OddsWizard. I think this is the addition to the software that would BY FAR make the greatest increase in the value and usefulness of OddsWizard.

Since I assume this will be about as processing intensive as calculating historical performance, the feature could be used in the same way the performance history is done i.e. the user will have to explicitly go to a separate menu and select to calculate historical odds.

Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:53 pm

Re: Calculation of historical odds

Postby AimHigher » Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:18 am

Any update on this? Developing your own strategies and testing what works/doesn't work would be greatly enhanced with the feature to calculate historical odds i.e. what the odds for a game would have been using the historical data available at that time, using my own settings e.g. for depreciation time.

If I understand it correctly, the only way to accomplish this at the moment is to feed OW with data from a file and repeat for each round of games. As an example, for a specific league I would include historical data only until 12/31/2011 and then calculate odds for games played on 01/01/2012 and export these odds to a file. Then I would feed OW with the results for games played on 01/01/2012, calculate odds for games played on 01/02/2012 and save these to file. Rinse and repeat for all rounds. Then I would have a odds history I can use to compare to the historical odds offered by bookmakers at the time. This process would be insanely tedious and would be much less so if OW included the option to calculate and export historical fair odds to a file.

In my opinion, this is by far the most valuable and needed addition to OW.

Thanks for listening,

Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:53 pm

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