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converting mdb files to lea
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I have the mlb for the season in a .mdb file. It ms access database file..is there a way to convert it to lea format so that the data can be imported into odds wizard


Rick Janov
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Total posts: 18 : Registration date: Aug. 2006 : Posted: 08 September, 2006 - 11:21:33


Yes, you can perform such conversion as follows:

1. Save it as Excel file.
2. Arrange all data in 8 columns in the order:
Date, blank column, Home team, '-', Away team, Home score, '-', Away score
3. Open the Excel file: http://www.newhavensoft.net/notes/Template.xls
4. Select 8 columns in it, and copy their format style.
5. Apply that style to 8 columns of your Excel sheet with MLB data.
6. Make sure that team names do not exceed 15 characters. Rename them otherwise.
7. Save your file in Excel format.
8. Save file as formatted text with spaces.
9. Close Excel, abundon any changes.
10. Change the text file's extention from 'prn' to 'upd'.
11. Use 'Update from file' function of Odds Wizard.
12. Rename teams back if necessary - up to 20 characters supported.
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Total posts: 150 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 08 September, 2006 - 17:45:24


Thanks..I am not very computer literate...I can send you some mdb files for sports you dont have and will update them regularly in exchange for your conversion...this would help your users also....mlb for sure I can keep updated....

If your interested please advise where to send file to.


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Total posts: 18 : Registration date: Aug. 2006 : Posted: 09 September, 2006 - 11:03:08


Yes, I am interested as well as other users. Please send it to
mailto:alex@newhavensoft.net. Thanks!
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Total posts: 150 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 10 September, 2006 - 14:07:16



I have sent the file via email...please advise when and how to get the updated lea file....also let me know how often you would like an updated file sent


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Total posts: 18 : Registration date: Aug. 2006 : Posted: 10 September, 2006 - 14:19:36


I have loaded the mlb file and it seems I cant get the odds to come up. Also is there a way to update the scores and games manually with the program by putting in score in games table and also adding a game there thru the menu?

I have data for 2 more years on mlb which i have sent to you. I have past 5 years on nba. And I have last year on ncaa football if you would like that


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Total posts: 18 : Registration date: Aug. 2006 : Posted: 11 September, 2006 - 10:39:22


MLB data have been compiled in LEA file. It will be published soon.

Also is there a way to update the scores and games manually with the program?

Anyone can add games manually just in the games table. Enter the date, press Enter, enter home team, press Enter, and so on. All cells of games table are editable. Type assistant will help you with the input of long team's names.

I have past 5 years on nba. And I have last year on ncaa football if you would like that

Yes, I like that. Thank you in advance!
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Total posts: 150 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 12 September, 2006 - 17:42:16


2. Arrange all data in 8 columns in the order:
Date, blank column, Home team, '-', Away team, Home score, '-', Away score

This is great method of inputting scores quickly of leagues that OW doesn't cover.

Couple of questions tho. What's the reason for the 'blank column' in the data import? And also, how do I specify a neutral venue (or other comment to go in the REM column)?

Is this, perhaps, the purpose of that 'blank column'?

Thanks, Theuth

My betting blog: http://scoobysnacks.blogabet.com
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Total posts: 22 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 21 September, 2006 - 10:31:21


Blank column is needed for proper conversion from Excel to supported text file format described in the help section User's tasks -> Updating league data from text files.

All game attributes if any (c - cup game, f - friendly, nv - neutral venue) can be entered in the 9th column, and delimited by spaces.
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Total posts: 150 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 21 September, 2006 - 12:23:40


3. Open the Excel file: http://www.newhavensoft.net/notes/Template.xls

Hi Alex,

The link to the template file appears to be broken. Has it been moved or could you send it to me as an email attachment please?

Thank you for any help,

Regards, Theuth

My betting blog: http://scoobysnacks.blogabet.com
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Total posts: 22 : Registration date: Dec. 2005 : Posted: 02 June, 2007 - 11:52:12
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